Albert Einstein
Readers, failure is a something that
worst and something diffilculty and pricking that has happened in your life
when you try seriously and hardly but not achieved your objective..very hard to
For those who are tried like enough
and not enough such as `until ala effort` and did not get the outcome, it`s
actually not a failure, but there is one of their loss and weaknesses. Some
weaknesses that they did not realize their potential..
Albert Einstein
When someone tried seriously and
harder, then the outcome is not working, that is a `deadlock`..Find and add
extra knowledge in order to enrich what that they had. It must be some solutions
are waiting for you..Never give up, J
Thomas Edison
Failures is seldomly highlighted in a
motivation writing, but we cann`t deny that there are much more people who are
failed then those whore are success in their job..
But, did you know?? There are 98% of
self made millionaire who are sharing their story had been face a failure. What
can I say is, failure is a part of the success!!
Thomas Edison
Most likely I said, those who are not
achieved their success is because they are frightened to the failures. (success
did not mean succeeded in business, working people is also success people if
their target to work, but there also have the ways to succeed such as need to
increase productivity and so on, for me if people who want to live as employee
and they are working until retired, it is also some success I think, as a
employee you know right, there are not easy to stay working until retired,
there are also had a challenges in order to be good employee. Thos who are
wanted to be employee, they need to success as the employee until retired, and
for those who are doing a business, they can be regard as a success people base
on their target, normally business people are mostly wanted to be rich as their
target, J)
As I told, fear to the failure is
main factor of what people are not succeeded to achieve their target AND NOT
the failure are not the main reason people are not achived their target,
FAILURE is only a part of the success!.
When you are frightened to the
failure, you will block yourself to take first step (base on religion
respectively – (follow your religion respectively in order to analyze what is
the first step need to be used)
There are too many stories of success
people to share. Some of stories I need to share is one story of baseball of
American in era of 70th. His name is Babe Ruth.
Babe Ruth on that time is the highest
player who had done the home-run. Nobody at that time can challenge his record
at that time..
But, he is also the highest player
who had done the struck-out (fail). More than 1300 times.
Everytime Babe Ruth action not hit
the ball, he just smile only. When he was asked from sport reporter why he smile
everytime his action not hit the ball, he just said “everytime his action not hit the ball, it meant that he are approaching
to the strike that will hit the ball and will get home-run for his team not far
from now!”
Babe Ruth thought is, more his action
did not hit the ball, or fail, more approach him to the success that will hit
the ball and can make home-run for his team, J
In easy word, try and try and you will get them, J
This thought should be having by all
people in order to achieve the success in whatever you do..Failure didn`t meant
you are fail personally, but it meant that you are more approaching to the
Let`s we think about this stories
together :
- Genius Albert Einstein only can
talk when his age at the 4 years old.
- Scientist, Isaac Newton always fail
while he was in school and given by his teacher as student who had not “hope”
- F.W Woolworth while he was 21 years
old has worked at the grocery and always been scolded by his boss such as `a
person that did not good in selling the goods`. And now, Woolworth has appeared
such as among the biggest market in United Kingdom.
- Founder of Disneyland, Mr Walt Disney while he was working
at the newspaper company has ever been scolded by his editor because did not
have a good imagination and did not has a good idea!
- Micahel Jordan, the ever best
player of basketball had been expelled from school team of basketball while he
was in school!!
- Thomas Edison, a person who create
a lamp while he was in school had been always scolded by his teacher as a
student who are really stupid to learn anything.
- Thomas Edison, inventor of lamp had
been fail more than 1000 times of his experiment before founding a true ways to
create a lamp!!
Are the icons above had been
surrender and stop from doing something that they trusted? Of course not
Failure is a something that we need
to undergo the failure to achieve the success..What is different from the
success people and failure people is, success people look at his failure such
as a chance for them to learn in order to make sure that they will not been
repeated the same mistakes in the future. And what has been falldown, they will
getting up again!!
My advice is, NEVER GIVE UP!!