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Pembelian Barangan Online – Tipu atau Betul ?


Kini, dunia mengalami perubahan di mana semuanya dapat dilakukan secara dalam talian atau Online.


Sebagai contoh, yang terkini adalah, kerja pun boleh dilakukan Online di rumah dan tak perlu ke pejabat lagi.


Contoh kedua adalah, jika anda ingin membuka akaun saham, ianya boleh dilakukan secara Online di rumah dan tandatangan pun boleh dilakukan secara Online.


Kini, saya perhatikan, banyak kedai-kedai Online muncul dan anda boleh membuat pembelian Online.


Oh ya, beberapa hari lepas, saya terdengar rintihan pengguna mengatakan mereka membeli barang dalam talian secara Online, tetapi barangan tersebut tidak sampai rumah.


Saudara saudari,

Memang ada penipuan begini dan tips yang saya nak bagi adalah untuk keselamatan, sekiranya anda membeli barangan Online, yang terselamat adalah kedai online yang beralamat di Malaysia.


Tips mengelak penipuan adalah :

1)    Lihat ALAMAT, ada atau tidak alamat kedai dalam laman web mereka, jika ada baru betul.

2)    Yang kedua adalah, lihat di dalam Laman Web kedai mereka, ada tidak NOMBOR PENDAFTARAN SYARIKAT, sekiranya ada, anda boleh semak di : https://www.ssm.com.my/bm/Pages/Quick_Link/e-Search.aspx

S  Sekiranya ada dan syarikat tersebut wujud, maka ianya adalah perniagaan betul.


Oh ya, untuk semak nombor pendaftaran, ia ada dua, satu Nombor Pendaftaran Syarikat dan satu lagi Nombor Pendaftaran Perniagaan. Jika anda keliru, boleh call terus Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia dan pasti akan mendapat jawapan yang tepat.

Ok..Itu sahaja yang saya nak kongsi pada hari ini… Semoga anda terselamat daripada penipuan dalam pembelian Online…Sekian sahaja 

Berdagang Saham – Halal atau Haram ?


Ramai yang tahu dengan nama saham, tetapi ramai yang tak tahu berdagang saham itu halal atau haram..


Apa itu Saham ?


Sebenarnya, saham itu bermaksud bahagian kita dalam sesuatu syarikat. Jika kita beli saham di Bursa Malaysia, tak kira apa-apa saham sekali pun, jika kita beli, bermakna kita adalah pemilik syarikat tersebut dan kita ada hak untuk mengundi dan memilih siapa yang bakal menguruskan syarikat tersebut.


Oh ya, jika anda ingin berdagang saham, and terpaksa mendaftar akaun dengan mana-mana Broker saham untuk membolehkan anda membeli dan menjual saham. Biasanya syarikat-syarikat broker yang menawarkan perkhidmatan ini biasanya nama syarikat broker itu ada perkataan “Investment”  atau “Securities” dan saya bagi satu contoh syarikat broker, iaitu BIMB Securities Sdn Bhd.


Oh ya, berkenaan Halal ke Haram berdagang Saham, ini adalah jawapannya :

“Berdagang Saham adalah Halal jika kita berdagang saham yang patuh syariah dan kita berdagang pula adalah melalui ilmu yang kita ada dan tidak berdagang secara membuta tuli “


Itu sahaja yang saya nak share dengan anda..

Summary of Actuarial Mathematics


Actuarial Mathematics


Ocay, what is an Actuarial Mathematics ?


Actually, Actuarial Mathematics is an FORMULA to create an insurance product. Actuarial Mathematics is actually built from the combination or uniting of Financial Mathematics and Survival Model.


So from combination of Financial Mathematics and Survival Model, after calculation has been done, the Actuarial Mathematics will exist.


Actually also, the Actuarial Mathematics is a Model or formula to create the insurance product.


Through Actuarial Mathematics formula, we can create insurance products and also can determine the Reservation of money that Insurance Company should have at the time.


For example, at 10,000 of policy holders as customer, in this year of August for example, how much should Insurance Company have money in order to cover of all policy holders if something bad happened like death, or attack by any disease that covered by Insurance Company.


In short note, through Actuarial Mathematics, we also can determine how much should Insurance have money at certain time, that is called as Reservation.


Creating of Insurance Products using Actuarial Mathematics is actually creating with the price. So that, through Actuarial Mathematics, we can determine all of Insurance Product Price.


That`s all about subject we should know in order to create insurance products ( Calculus, Statistic, Financial Mathematics, Survival Model and Actuarial Mathematics).


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Summary of Survival Model

What is Survival Model ?


Actually Survival Model is a Probability Model in order to find of the Probability of life.


Normally we use statistic method and the past data to create a Survival Model. Usually Survival Model is created based on past data and the using  Kaplan Meier Curve method  in order to build a Survival Model.


When we have Survival Model created, so we can find for example for people at the age of 24 could survive after 5 years. When we have a model created, we can find any probability of survival of any age, for example again, we could find the probability that the baby who is just born will be survive until at the age of 24.


In short note, that is Statistic Method, we should have past data, and then use the Kaplan-Meier Curve Method to build a Survival Model...



Ocay, that`s all a little bit about the Survival Model...


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Financial Mathematics


Today I want to share about Financial Mathematics with you all...


Ocay, What is Financial Mathematics ? Actually Financial Mathematics is a way for the Banks in its calculation of any loan or for its investment products.


Actually, in Financial Mathematics, we have learnt that for the price of, for example, the price of a car is a $80000, then we want to make a loan with the bank for amount of $80000. Then, we want to make a loan for ten years with the rate of the interest of the bank is as much as 4% a year. So we want to know how much should we pay every month with the interest of 4% a year as much as 10 years. How much should we pay a month ?


In a short note, we use Financial Mathematics method to calculate the installment for every month of the car.


In a investment, for example, one company offer a dividen as much as 6% a year if we invest our money with their company. Ocay, if we invest one time for $10000, how much it is of our money accumulate after 10 years ? In this situation, we also use Financial Mathematics to calculate our money after 10 years investment.


Second example is, if we invest $100 a month with 6% a year as dividen, how much will be of our money to be accumulated after 20 years. In this situation, we also use Financial Mathematics to calculate of our money after 20 years.


In a short note, Financial Mathematics is an about of interest and dividen. Hehehehe...


Ocay, that`s all for today my beloved friends... Happy reading.... =)


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Summary 3 of Statistic

Hi all...Hopefully you are in a good health...


Today I want to share about last part of Statistic that I have learnt in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.


The topic is about the Prediction, not a probability but a Prediction..


Ocay, what is the difference between Probability and Prediction ?


Actually the Probability is a chance of something to be a value that we want AND the Prediction is the value of something after we have analyzed it, for example in the next month, the sales of our company will be as $100000 as a prediction we have analyzed it.


Ocay, we can find the Probability the sales in the next month will be as $100000. Based on the past data, we got the Probability to get sales as much as $100000 is 0.76 or 76%. So, the Prediction is $100000 and the Probability is 0.76. Hopefully you all will see the difference between the Probability and Prediction.


For Prediction, we usually use a Regression Method. For example, we want to know the prediction of Composite Index of the next day based on the Plantation Index today and the Mining Index today.

For example :

Y = Index Composite of the next day

X = Plantation Index today

Z = Mining Index today


So, through this analysis, we want to know are there existed the relation between Y, X and Z.


So we make the regression analysis and for example we got there have relation between Y and X and Z and for example the value of it we got as :

Y = 0.41X + 0.13Z

So we can predict Y right  =)

Ocay, that`s all for today....

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Summary of Statistic 2


Hi, have a great day today...


In this day I want to share of Statistic again but the topics is about how we want to calculate the probability of mean, proportion and variance.


What is the mean meaning ? Actually mean is an average.


Normally we find the probability of some data like the marks of student. For example the probability of the marks of student getting A in examination.


But In this topic, we would like to find the probability of the marks average of student getting score 50% and above. Not the probability of one student getting score 50% and above but the probability of average of marks of the student getting score 50% and above.


It is same to proportion and variance. We use Sample Distribution to find the probability of the Mean, Proportion and Variance.


Ocay, that`s all for today...


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Summary of Statistic 1


What is Statistic ?


Actually, Statistic is a mathematical method to find probability of something and also to predict of something like stock exchange or anything that have a data so that we can predict it.


The way to calculate of Statistic Method is we usually use calculation of Calculus.


There has two category of function, one is Discrete Function and one more is Continuous Function to find the probability of something.


For Discrete Function we have :

1)    Binomial Distribution

2)    Geometric Distribution

3)    Negative Binomial Distribution

4)    Hypergeometric Distribution

5)    Poison Distribution


For Continuous Function we have :

1)    Uniform Distribution

2)    Normal Distribution

3)    Gamma Distribution

4)    Beta Distribution



What is Distribution ?

Actually Distribution is a behaviour of some category data and each Distribution have its method of calculation to find the probability, mean, and variance. Actually each Distribution is a behaviour of something category data that analyzed by Mathematicians so long ago and give the results of something category of data. For example, if we want to analyze or find the probability of A category data, we use Z Distribution, and for category data of B, we use V Distribution. To get knowing of the data follow of what Distribution, there has a few Conditions and for example we can use Binomial Distribution if the situation and data are in the Conditions of Binomial Distribution.


That`s all for today..In another article, I will share about Statistic also, but is in the Sample Topic of Statistic.


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That`s all..thank you… Have a nice day.. =) =)

Summary of Calculus Subject that taught in University Level ( One of Main Subject of Actuary)


Firstly, I would like to share what is a Calculus method that actuary learn to create insurance product. Actually Calculus is a calculation method in Statistic in order to find the probability or prediction of the something that we want to know.


It is about Differentiation Method and Integration Method and also how to calculate the function of probability whether it is Discret Function or Continuos Function. What I have learnt is about how to calculate of probability whether it is Discret Function or Continuous Function. For Discrete Function, we usually used of plus (+) and minus (-) method. And for Continuous Function, we usually used the Differentiation and Integration Method.


In this part, we also learnt about how to calculate the mixture function, which is some part it is in Discret Function and another part is in Continuous Function.


What is the Function meaning ? Actually, the Function meaning is the probability.


That`s all for today... Thank you for reading..


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Ocay...Have a good day..bye.. =) =)

Akaun CDS dan Akaun Trading Dalam Arena Saham

    Dewasa kini, ramai yang tahu apabila sebut saham. Bagi yang tiada pengalaman dalam berdagang saham sudah tentulah tertanya-tanya apa i...