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Summary of Statistic 1


What is Statistic ?


Actually, Statistic is a mathematical method to find probability of something and also to predict of something like stock exchange or anything that have a data so that we can predict it.


The way to calculate of Statistic Method is we usually use calculation of Calculus.


There has two category of function, one is Discrete Function and one more is Continuous Function to find the probability of something.


For Discrete Function we have :

1)    Binomial Distribution

2)    Geometric Distribution

3)    Negative Binomial Distribution

4)    Hypergeometric Distribution

5)    Poison Distribution


For Continuous Function we have :

1)    Uniform Distribution

2)    Normal Distribution

3)    Gamma Distribution

4)    Beta Distribution



What is Distribution ?

Actually Distribution is a behaviour of some category data and each Distribution have its method of calculation to find the probability, mean, and variance. Actually each Distribution is a behaviour of something category data that analyzed by Mathematicians so long ago and give the results of something category of data. For example, if we want to analyze or find the probability of A category data, we use Z Distribution, and for category data of B, we use V Distribution. To get knowing of the data follow of what Distribution, there has a few Conditions and for example we can use Binomial Distribution if the situation and data are in the Conditions of Binomial Distribution.


That`s all for today..In another article, I will share about Statistic also, but is in the Sample Topic of Statistic.


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That`s all..thank you… Have a nice day.. =) =)

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