English Class 2009
Actually, I have learnt English since
6 years old until presently. And now, I still studying the English Language by
Then at my age of 7 years old to 12
years old, I have equipped by grammar and vocabulary but until I have enter the
secondary school, I still weak in English. For UPSR (lower school examination
at age 12 years old), I have gotten B in English Language and form PMR
(examination at age 15 years old), I have gotten C in English.
After that, I have entered the MRSM
Jeli and my English is still week. I was having problem while studying English
at MRSM Jeli as this level is very important in order to see our qualification
whether we can further study at University or not.
But I thankful to God that in MRSM
Jeli, they have a SEEDS Program which is this program was made for us in order
to improve our English Subject. Then I have past SPM Examination (examination
at age 17 years old) and got the result in English as C.
I`m very lucky to enter the
matriculation (Kolej MARA Kulim – Pre University) and still studying the English
Language and I`m very frightened of my level in English as it is very important
to find a job.
While studying in University, I still
learning the English Language with a lecturer and at the date of English
Examination, I have gotten A- in English. This was a great achievement in
English for me but at that time, I still don`t have a confidence to write or
speak in English publicly such as what I have done now as in this blog.
But, after I have graduated from
University, I have applied for a job in Kuala Lumpur and I have received a call for an
interview. When I have arrived at the interview venue, I felt nervous and
shaked when I was waiting at the waiting room before called for an interview.
Then, when the time reached, the receptionist asked me to get in the interview
room and I have been interviewed in English Language and at that time, I cann`t
speak to much in English and that was the factor of my first interview I had
Then after back home from the
interview, I have entered the English Class for three months in Kota Bharu and
got the certificate. After finishing the English class, I have applied for a
job in Kuala Lumpur which is this is a big company and listed in Bursa Malaysia. I have made some preparation in
English about what are the questions they will ask and I have succeeded in the
interview and got the place with that company.
And also because of English, I have
resigned as people in the company are spoken in English. It make me feel stress
as I`m not in English spoken at that time.
So, after resigning from my position
in the company, I back home, watching TV with reading it`s English subtitles,
reading English Newspaper, surfing the website who has been written in English and
also l studied the English grammar via website. And one important thing, I have
bought the English Essays Book for secondary school at PMR level and read the
essays in the book with memorized the vocabulary and studied its grammar.
And as the outcome, I am afforded to
write my blog in English publicly. I hope, this will be starting of my new
career and also always needed support from you all, just follow my Google+ or
my blog, hehehe.. That`s all my story in English since 6 years old, and my
advised is, never give up to study English as it is very important language
that`s people in this world communicate in English when they are from different
country and I hope, you will be enjoyed with it, hehe.. J